Back to the Office

At Berliner Architects we love the flexibility of working at home, but we all agree: nothing beats in-person collaboration and teamwork. With that being said, we are taking every step and every precaution to get our team back in the office safely.


Berliner Architects has made it a goal to get the whole team working on laptops. The ability for employees to easily transition between working remotely and in the office is a huge benefit. Based on their comfort level, many of our team members cycle in and out of the office on a daily basis for meetings, utilization of office resources or for a simple change of scenery.


Let’s head to the Berliner Architects’ office, don’t forget your mask (although, if you do, we have extras)!


Office security has always been a priority. We’ve modified our keypad door lock to be touchless. Now each employee will have a key fob that will unlock the door without utilizing the numbered key pad.


A new path of travel within the office has been established to ensure distance between employees while up-and-about. Additionally, team members are required to wear a mask any time they step away from their desk.


In the restrooms, new touchless soap dispensers have been installed to replace the former manually-operated ones.


To reduce recycled air, HVAC upgrades have been preformed. Now, much of the air cycling through the office is fresh from the outdoors. In addition, new Merv-13 filters are being utilized to ensure the cleanliness of the air being circulated.

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We’ve moved some of the conference room furniture to the open office to allow people to have small collaboration meetings at a reasonable distance. This includes our conference room computer and screen to allow for drawing coordination.


A new seating arrangement is being utilized to maximize distance between workstations. Where possible, the desks have been left empty in an attempt to mitigate side-by-side seating.

However, there are a few locations where neighboring workstations are both in use. In these instances, plexiglass dividers have been installed between desks.
